Well here it comes… the evening that makes us single gals feel like we are one unloved, unwanted and lonely bitching soul… otherwise a fantastic and powerful woman. This day our hearts return to the Disney princess mindset, where nothing else than gooey romantics’ will do. We won’t get that… And it hurts like hell! We plan to spend the evening in our pajamas watching a chick flick that will have us get Kleenexes handy. (Yes, I am talking from past Valentine’s Day experiences….). Even a tear or two dripping in our lonely glass of wine… For goodness sakes, wake up, get out there and have some fun! Remember the great gal you are, how much you love to laugh and hate to miss a party? Well here it is, party time! News flash: you are not alone, and far from it. You are part of the “Single Awareness Day” HUGE crowd.
I read an article that was suggesting to spend that day reflecting on why you were single… Really??? No thanks! I am all for some necessary introspection from time to time, but not today. No pity party here, there is absolutely no reason for that. We all know that next Valentine’s Day we may not be single anymore, and we’ll probably go ahead with the drippy romantic “heart shapes all over the place” stuff… This year though, you could choose to spread the love in different ways to others as well… Like volunteering for a great cause or babysitting for some nice couple you know. Ok… That’s always very nice… But don’t forget to also show some love to yourself dear solo friend. Here are a few ways to shake off that Valentine’s day blues, with FUN in mind:
– Throw one hell of an exclusive party: “No Valentines Allowed”:
- Ring up your single friends and ask them to bring at least one other solo soul to the “Let’s pour fire on Valentine’s Day” party of the year! You may meet someone interesting…
- Ask your single group to wear red and black, get some devilish accessories, head bands with devil horns and some devil tails, and make it an ANTI-Cupid night.
- A couple of door prizes and a guest book where they sign in and list at least one great thing about being single in their everyday life.
- Search the Internet for some anti-love songs playlist, think titles such as “Love Stinks” (J. Geils Band), and “Love Don’t Live Here Anymore” (Lady Antebellum)…
- Some popular Anti-Valentine’s bashes, like the annual event held at “Birds” in Los Angeles, have voodoo dolls or piñatas for “aggression release therapy”, where you stab paper hearts with the names of your exes…. For those gals who hold a grudge, or the guys who really deserve it!
– Start up your search engine online
and you will be amazed at the number of single’s parties and singles dinners that are organized across the country.
- Search sites as MeetUp.com or Eventbrite.com, where people organize events around a particular hobby or theme, you could find some options in you area.
- A quick Google search found me some real cool evening singles events: Head to the world’s biggest adult playground, Las Vegas, to participate in the Valentine’s Day attempt to break the world record in speed dating event, at the D Casino Hotel! Or take your seat at the Valentine’s Protest held at the Vander Bar in New York, where you will enjoy “Love stinks, Let’s drink” shots with your besties… Cheers!
– Show yourself some love by treating yourself to a pampering day at that great spa you have been hearing about,
maybe with some girlfriends (and just maybe before going out to that single’s party… 😉 .
You would be amazed of how some water jets in a color changing tub with soft relaxing music and an hour massage with a couple hands over your skin, along with a fantastic manicure and pedicure, or a new hairdo, can make you feel soooo good and ready to take on the world… or the night!
– If changing your hair color just won’t be enough to get you mind off of that last breakup, get yourself a plane or cruise ticket to that exotic destination you have always wanted to visit.
After all, think of all that money you are saving not having to shower someone else with gifts on Valentine’s Day, and the remaining of the year! Shake off the Valentine’s Day and the cold winter blues at the same time.
- Little do people know, there are some resorts that cater solely to the independent traveler growing crowd. Solo travelers that want a break can find interesting places where excursions are organized and dinner is a fun moment where guests mingle and share their traveling experiences and tips. And you meet some great A-type personality people that travel solo, and become new long lasting friends. I had fantastic traveling as well as culinary experiences in one of these – and a whole lot of fun – at the family run Mistral Hotel on the Greek island of Crete. Let them know you heard about them from me!
- Check out websites like VacationsToGo.com and their last minute cruise deal ticker, there are so many cheap options out there as the cruise lines do not want to leave port with empty cabins. There is also a singles discount section, showing you sailings that offer deeply reduced fares for single occupied cabins. You cannot beat last minute 7 night cruises for around $500, taxes, exotic beaches, all day and night long entertainment and food included! Yes, a few days before the ship leaves port you can still get on board. Go with your best girlfriend and have a blast.
- And what about a singles group cruise, where you get all the usual entertainment on board, along with being part of a large group of singles cruising buddies to mingle with, and where you will never be dining alone? Fun, fun, fun, and a fabulous tan to brag about…
My message is clear:
Well, just got back from the hair salon… and bought a ticket to Puerto Rico – Happy Single’s Awareness Day! 🙂
Great suggestion on that party, Aimee. Being single myself I definitely would want to stay busy vs sulking just like you suggested. Awesome on Puerto Rico! That rocks 🙂
Thanks Mike – No sulking here! Been to Puerto Rico before, but it is a Caribbean island with many interesting facets and I want to explore more. Bioluminescent bay and rainforest hiking on my list this time. Nice blog you have 🙂
And my intention was that you were telling us not to sulk. Not that you were whatsover! Your trip sounds amazing! Smart lady 🙂
Understood what you meant Mike… I was simply reinforcing that idea! 😉
These suggestions are great! We will keep them on file for next Valentine’s Day 🙂
Well thank you Solomate Travel! Very kind 🙂