Travel is ALL about ADVENTURE! We crave that, we want that, all of us romantic day-dreaming gals from the chair of our cubicle -with or without a window-, or looking out into the backyard from the kitchen sink while washing dishes… Do you feel it, it is coming at you again, right now, that urge to try something new, get out of the everyday “same old, same old”, images of far away exotic places rushing through your mind… images of you there, pretty bright color dress and bare foot, where the sun is warm on your skin… I smile. That’s me, all the time! It’s like a force that drives me, and very willingly I let it.
And you should too. These are adventures that will enrich your life, discovering this world’s nature and its people, all these different cultures, centuries of history shaping our lives. There are wonders to see on each continent, in every country. Get in that car and drive into the bordering state, I bet you will find your way to an enjoyable discovery. Evasion can be for an hour or a week, it will bring you instant gratification, that “Yes!” or “How cool!” moment. That same moment you crave, that moment you need. Because Life cannot only be about making our way to work and cooking dinner, right? Forget about sex, drugs and alcohol – go travel! It is tantalizingly addictive.
Also, forget about “being alone”. I hear all the time this one question, usually accompanied by a bewildered facial expression: “ You are going all alone???”, emphasis on “alone”… Well yes, I am going by myself, like a big girl! I have met the most interesting characters while globe trotting, fantastic people from every corner of the planet. Social media allows you today to stay connected with these new friends made along the way, making “everyday life” back at home much less lonely too. You will find that there are ways to enjoy every minute of traveling single or solo, not feeling alone. There are so many options out there now! After all, us single ladies are, or so it seems, one of the fastest growing demographic segments. And men are in the same boat. The travel industry has noticed, and is rolling out the red carpet for us single or solo travelers now.
I guess I am on a travel high, and just loving it. Having spent much of my life on my own, single or divorcee, raising two fantastic kids now in college, all while living and traveling on different continents, and having spent the last 18 months on my own “Eat, Pray, Love” journey around the world, one would think I learnt a few things along the way, and I sure have. I would love to share my passions – yes, passion with an “s” – with you! So come follow my travel adventures, and get some ideas from packing your suitcase to modern day “travel hacking” techniques that will help you save big $$$ on your travel dreams, and even learn ways to earn money while traveling or from your travels, that will bring to life your own wanderlust, your own adventures. From my heart to yours, Happy Solo Traveling!