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Posts tagged with ‘Tauromachie’

  • Video: Favorite Moment Witnessed This Week!

    By Aimée Fawn on August 18, 2013
    Please meet Arthur, a very fun young "Écarteur" and "Sauteur" (translates to "Jumper") in the tradition of the Landaise style bullfighting, where to the contrary of the Spanish "Corrida", there is NO blood involved, only play! This short video will give you a small taste of the fun and thrill lived in the Arena of the city of Dax, South Western region of France called "Les Landes", last week during the events of their famous Féria. A yearly event that draws over 800,000 festival goers - called "festayres"- who are handed over the keys of the city to do as they please four days and nights... it's a HUGE party! More about it in my next blog post :)